Chapter Email Opt-Out
Unsubscribe from Chapter Emails and Notifications
Please note that the following will unsubscribe you from a chapter's meeting invitations, newsletters, and announcements.
You may also unsubscribe directly from any email you've received by clicking the "Unsubscribe" or "Manage Preferences" link located at the bottom of any email.
Manage Chapter Discussion Forum Notifications
Managing your email preferences for chapter group forums, including opting-out of the group, is a separate function.
To opt out of or set your preferences for automated notifications from your chapter's group forum, please go to your chapter's page and take one of two actions:
- Manage your notification preferences, which includes weekly digest and limited (seldom) options. This allows continued forum participation and file sharing/access.

- Leave the chapter group to stop forum notifications. Be aware that you will no longer be able to participate in the chapter's group forum or share/access files.