All NASPP Benchmark Data
Equity Incentives Design SurveyAn in-depth analysis revealing benchmark data and trends on how public companies design stock-based compensation plans for employees. Areas explored include plan design, time-based full value awards, performance-based awards, time-based stock options, stock appreciation rights, and country-specific considerations. Developed jointly with Deloitte Tax LLP.
Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP) SurveyEquity's leading analysis of ESPP trends and best practices across the globe, brought to you by the NASPP and Deloitte Tax LLP. Areas of examination include objectives, eligibility, and pricing; contributions, limits, and provisions; plan administration; participant education; and global administration.
Equity Administration SurveyBrought to you by the NASPP and Deloitte Tax LLP, this is your definitive source for benchmarks and trends in the administration of equity programs worldwide. Data insights span administration and communication, insider trading compliance, and more within public companies. Formerly known as the Domestic Stock Plan Administration Survey, but now expanded to include global administration.