10-K & 10-Q Filings: Common Issues and Best Practices
July 17, 2024, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Webinar Recordings & Related Materials are Exclusive to Members
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Discover the common issues that persist in 10-Ks and 10-Qs across various industries. These issues often arise from unclear standards, widespread misunderstandings, adopting other companies’ disclosures, and unclear reference materials.
We’ll explore these common problems, provide examples, clarify language, and guide you on streamlining your processes to save time, reduce costs, and minimize errors.
Key questions this webinar will answer:
What is required for the 10-K vs. 10-Q?
What are common issues in disclosure reporting?
How can you streamline the disclosure process for stock-based compensation?
Continuing Education
This program qualifies for continuing education for Certified Equity Professionals (CEPs). Please keep a record of your attendance and refer to the CEP Institute standards to determine the amount of credit you can receive.