Global Share Plans in Times of Crisis
May 18, 2022, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
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What This Webinar Covers:
The invasion of Ukraine, the displacement of millions, and sanctions have clear humanitarian and global economic effects. How does that translate to equity awards operated in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia? Find out the legal issues your company needs to be aware of and get a practical perspective on how to respond to the rapidly developing situation.
Get answers to these questions and more:
- How do US sanctions affect equity plans and participants in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus?
- What is the effect of Russian sanctions on awards held by Russian citizens outside of Russia?
- What do companies need to be aware of with respect to awards held by Ukrainian employees relocating to various other countries?
- What information and education should be provided to affected employees?
Continuing Education:
This program qualifies for continuing education for Certified Equity Professionals (CEPs). Please keep a record of your attendance and refer to the CEP Institute standards to determine the amount of credit you can receive.