Woman arm wrestling with intense look on her face, probably trying to get budget to for mobility tracking

Negotiating for What You Want

February 06, 2025, 10:30 AM - 11:15 AM

Webinar Recordings & Related Materials are Exclusive to Members

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Enhance your negotiation prowess! Our panel of veteran stock plan administrators will share their strategies to achieve better outcomes in any negotiation scenario, whether your desired result relates to your equity plan, your team, or your own career. We’ll share tips for handling objections gracefully, communicating persuasively, and not taking “no” for an answer.

Continuing Education

This program qualifies for continuing education for Certified Equity Professionals (CEPs). Please keep a record of your attendance and refer to the CEP Institute standards to determine the amount of credit you can receive.


About Women Leading in Equity

This webinar is part of the NASPP Women Leading in Equity leadership development program, sponsored by Morgan Stanley at Work. This program is a leadership development program developed to support women's advancement, empower career growth, and celebrate the first-hand stories of successful women leaders in our profession. '

The program combines one-to-one mentorship with leadership development through three virtual seminars and is designed to offer effective and actionable approaches to help women build skills and stand out as leaders, resolve common obstacles, and establish and leverage supportive relationships across career stages.

Disclaimer: Sponsored by Morgan Stanley. National Association Stock Plan Professionals (NASPP) and Morgan Stanley are not affiliated companies. Morgan Stanley is not responsible for information presented by third parties or contained on any third-party web site. The opinions expressed by the third parties are solely their own and do not necessarily reflect those of Morgan Stanley. Morgan Stanley makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of the information from sources outside of Morgan Stanley. © 2024 Morgan Stanley. All rights reserved. CRC 3734538 (08/2024)


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