Right-Sizing Your Stock Plan Administration Team
June 15, 2022, 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM
Webinar Recordings & Related Materials are Exclusive to Members
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Having the right team structure in place is key to successful stock plan management, yet little data has been available to help companies benchmark their staffing strategy—until now!
Leveraging findings from the Equity Compensation Outlook pulse survey on stock plan administration staffing, this webinar will help companies assess whether they have the right structure in place for their stock plan administration team.
Attendees will gain insights into the responsibilities the plan administration team is tasked with and how the team is evaluated.
Key questions this webinar will answer:
- How many staff members are primarily responsible for stock plan administration relative to the number of plan participants?
- Does outsourcing administration correlate with reduced in-house administrative staff?
- What equity-related tasks are stock plan administration personnel typically responsible for?
- What other responsibilities are stock plan administration personnel tasked with?
- What key performance indicators are used to evaluate stock plan administration?
- Is the future of stock plan administration in the office, remote, or hybrid?
All attendees are required to register in advance.
- NASPP Members: Current NASPP members can attend at no cost.
- Nonmembers: The cost for non-members is $975. Please email naspp@naspp.com to register for this program.
Join or renew your membership to receive complimentary access to this program and all member benefits.
Continuing Education:
This program qualifies for continuing education for Certified Equity Professionals (CEPs). Please keep a record of your attendance and refer to the CEP Institute standards to determine the amount of credit you can receive.
The recording of the webinar will be posted shortly after the conclusion of the live program.