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5 Trends in Stock Plan Administration Staffing and Practices
Oct 15, 2020
Does stock plan administration have a home? This and four other trends from the NASPP/Deloitte Consulting 2020 Domestic Stock Plan Administration Survey. -
Trends: 2020 Aggregate Share-Based Compensation
Oct 13, 2020
FW Cook publishes their 2020 report on Aggregate Share-Based Compensation, highlighting share usage trends for 300 sampled companies. -
Optimizing Equity Awards in a Down Market
Oct 8, 2020
Insights into creative accounting approaches companies can use to restore broken incentives and insulate against future market shockwaves. -
2 Reasons Multiday Averages Make Sense for Grant Sizing
Oct 6, 2020
Using a multiday average FMV to determine how many shares to grant can result in a more equitable stock compensation program and make forecasting share usage easier. -
A Tale of Three Employee Education Programs
Sep 30, 2020
How Nvidia, Cisco, and Nike are taking participant stock plan education to the next level! -
Using Data for Better Employee Retention: 5 Things to Know
Sep 21, 2020
How you can use employee data that you already have to make better decisions about equity awards. -
7 More Things to Know About the Payroll Tax Holiday
Sep 17, 2020
Are your US payroll taxes taking a holiday? Here are seven things to know about it. -
5 Seconds, 5 Nuggets to Transform Your Life
Sep 15, 2020
Learn how to dramatically impact your work and life in just 5 seconds. Plus, additional insights on how to elevate your visibility within your organization and avoid derailment of priorities. -
5 Insights from a NASCAR Champion on Conquering Fear
Sep 4, 2020
What can a NASCAR champion (2x!) teach us about conquering fear? Insights from Julia Landauer will teach you how to overcome that which terrifies you the most.

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